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Call it what you want: bitter-sweet enslavement, confounded confectionary craving, or just a good old-fashioned sweet tooth, there is nothing as pleasurable as melt-on-your-tongue chocolate.  

And at the United Awareness Group, we know that most of us are just waiting for a good excuse to buy chocolate; it’s hard enough to say no to chocolate, but saying no to chocolate and a worthy cause?  Impossible! Below you will see all the wonderful chocolates available to you. Visit the "Chocolates for Charity" website for more info.


Bottled Water

We created H20 bottled water for charity with a vision as clear and a purpose as pure as water: Make fundraising and awareness campaigns easy and affordable! h2O bottled water is Made in Canada, free of bisphenol-A (BPA) and polycarbonates, and filled with the purest water available.

H20 Charity Water bottled water brings the purest spring water to your home or office. As with all H20 Charity Water bottled water, each purchase goes to support you organization.

Unlike conventional reverse osmosis or traditional filtered water, which saps water of its mineral content (and taste), H20 Charity Water water is classified as "live" because it of its ideal mineral content and electrolytes, gathered naturally as the water is filtered through layers of rock, sand and gravel on its way to the spring.

Bottled at its source in Northern BC and ultraviolet (UV) light purified. The water is then passed through an ultraviolet (UV) light to eliminate any bacteria that may be present. Created exclusively for the United Awareness Group and the H20 Charity Water campaigns, this pure water is extensively tested every quarter by private and public laboratories and weekly by the Northern Health Public Health Department laboratory.

Simple and convenient — H20 for charity comes with campaign consultation and distribution planning at no additional cost. If you don’t already have a brand we’ll get you on track fast to getting one and ensure your message is effective and your end product is unique.


FOHThe Fountain of Hope campaign was created exclusively for the Canadian Breast Cancer Awareness Network. Currently launching across Canada, Fountain of Hope water is raising awareness and funds for survivors of breast cancer and their loved ones.

Learn how the United Awareness Group can create a similar campaign for your cause with their H2O for Charity line of branded bottled water.

Learn more about h20 charity water online or call 1.877.673.2111.